Journal entriesLe Bon Journal
Bon JournalUprooting and the uprootedI said I was going to have the 4th issue of Le Bon Journal ezine ready by the 15th of April, but I didn't say by which time. It's now 3:29 pm in the Netherlands and 9:29 pm in Taiwan. So I guess, I've met my publication deadline. Uprooting is a subject close to my heart. I have uprooted a dozen times in my life for work, study, and love. I am interested to hear from my readers their thoughts about this controversial subject -- does it make you a stronger and better person? I believe there are several categories of people, with respect to uprooting. 1- The rooted. Those who have never uprooted and don't want or need to do so. They have found their home where their heart is --- in the place where they grew up. 2- The involuntarily uprooted. They may desire to become rooted once they are able to. 3- The voluntarily uprooted. Once the travel bug bites, they may continue to move. But how do you cure a wanderlust? Overdo it and get sick of it? Or keep moving for it's the only world you know? 4- The rootless. These are category 3 people who decide that they do not and will not have a root. This Le Bon Journal ezine includes a short piece about this personal philosophy which I would call "in pursuit of flexibility." I would like to thank all those who contributed to this six page issue of Le Bon Journal ezine: Uprooters on the uprooting experience. 15 April 2004 Thursday |
Related journal entries:Uprooting questions5th anniversary of analyticalQLe Bon Journal ezineLe Bon Journal newsletters: 2002-2003analyticalQ travel storiesUprooting: severing the umbilical cordNext issue:700 words max, deadline 30 June for 15 July issue on second passions and personal philosophies1. Do you work to live or live to work? Is work a means to an end or an end in itself?2. What is your second passion? Will it ever become your first? If so, how and under which conditions3. Describe your personal philosophy and what influenced it. How is it unique?4. How have you combined your personal philosophy in pursuit of your second passion?5. If you were to live your life over again, what would you do differently? |
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