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Photos from a week in Provence, 26 August - 3 September 2006

September 2006
Readers can probably tell from the infrequent or negligible updates on this web site that I have been extremely active in the real world of face to face.
New! Piano lessons by Anne Ku - I will update this page with my philosophy and approach as I continue to expand my private practice.
As at 18 September, high on my outstanding list are
- Select, resize, upload photos of France and London house
- Connect scanner and scan appraisals for Peter
- Update visitors comments in Guestbook
- Update Piano Guitar Duo site with articles on piano teaching
- Update concert schedule
- Finish composing "Kyrie"
- Conceptualise "Patchwork Suite" as expanded from motifs of "Patchwork Impromptu" for violin and guitar duo
- Edit "Fantasia" for piano; for guitar
- Compose contemporary pieces for teaching piano and sightreading
- Arrange Chinese songs for pin yin and guitar
- Practise piano guitar duo pieces for recording and performance
Conservatory course load and homework:
- Notation in 20th Century - read
- Diploma in Piano Teaching - pedagogy assignment, reading, writing thesis, lesson plans
- 3rd year Analysis for organ players, composers, and conductors - modulations, Renaissance counterpoint, analyse pieces, write a fugue
- Analysis and score reading for composers - analyse minimal music of Michael Torque, read/play Elgar's Serenade
- Choir(s)
- Get more piano students!
- Find a table for me to work on and double-up as dining table
- Put together things FOR SALE (photos, descriptions, pricing, condition, online and offline advertising)
- Organise - files, admin
- Budget finances
- Put together the wedding photo album
- Brainstorm ideas for Winter Vacation and Summer 2007

the author: Anne Ku writes
about her travels, conversations, thoughts, events, music, and anything else that
is interesting enough to fill a web page.
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