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Avalon - ongoing thoughts and discussion about music in memory
of Robert Avalon

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It is heartbreaking to see the aftermath of the earthquake that shook
Indonesia and the tsunami that struck the coasts of its neighbours on
the morning of 26th December 2004.
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1 January 2005
Triviality and meaninglessness
2 January 2005
The myth of last minute flights
10 January 2005
Black hole: how it feels to be in it
11 January 2005
Black hole: pros and cons of being in it
13 January 2005
Black hole: how to get out of the hole

15 January 2005
Chinese immigrant in Amsterdam

19 January 2005
What actually happens in an exam

the author: Anne Ku writes
about her travels, conversations, thoughts, events, music, and anything else that
is interesting enough to fill a web page.
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